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Lisa Bolton

Lisa Bolton

Lisa Bolton


Hi my name is Lisa, teacher of Seahorse class. I joined Mary Rose School this year and feel very privileged to be part of a fantastic team! In the short time I have been with the school, I have fallen in love with the community spirit and have already been part of the 2012 sponsored walk - which was my first chance to dress up, something I love to do.

In my spare time, I love to paint with large canvas and acrylic paint and as the art coordinator for Primary, I look forward to exploring a wide range of mediums with the children to create some budding Mary Rose artists!   I am also trying my best to learn how to play the Bassoon but have been told I sound more like a malfunctioning fog horn – more practise needed!!

I also love to travel and have been very fortunate to have had many inspiring experiences, both independently and with others - ranging from backpacking up the East coast of Australia to exploring the Californian coast and the wild rugged mountains of Scotland.  I am ready to spin the globe once again to choose my next destination!

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