National Support Groups
ABAPSTAS - Assoc.of Blind and Partially Sighted Teachers and Students - Phone: 01484-517954
ACE - Advisory Centre for Education - Phone: 0207-3548321
Action for Sick Children - Phone: 0208-5424848
ADD/ADHD (Family Support Group) - Phone: 01373-826045
Afasic - Assoc.For All Speech Impaired Children - Phone: 0207-8418900
Allergy Induced Autism (AIA) - Phone: 0121-4446450
Anaphylaxis Campaign - Phone: 01252-542029
Arthritis Care - Phone: 0808-80004050
ASBAH - Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus - Phone: 01733-555988
Asian People with Disabilities Alliance - Phone: 0208-9616773 ~ 0208-4591030 - Email:
Association of Young People with ME - Phone: 01908-373300
ATTAXIA - Friedreich�s Ataxia Group - Phone: 0207-58214444
BDIN - Berkshire Disability Information Network - Phone: 01344-301572 - Email:
BILD - British Institute of Learning Disabilities - Phone: 01562-850251
BLISS - Baby Life Support Systems - Phone: 0500-618140
Breakthrough - Deaf Hearing Integration - Phone: 0121-4726447 - Email:
British Diabetic Association - Phone: 0207-3231531
British Dyslexia Association - Phone: 0118-9662677
British Epilepsy Association - Phone: 0808-8005050
Brittle Bone Society - Phone: 08000-282459
Contact a Family (CaF) - Phone: 0207-6088700
Contact for Disabled Children - National Children�s Bureau - Phone: 0207-8436000
Cystic Fibrosis Trust - - Phone: 0208-4647211
DELTA - Deaf Education Through Listening and Talking - Phone: 01440-783689
Disability Sport England - Phone: 0208-8014466
Disabled Living Foundation - Phone: 0207-2896111
Down�s Syndrome Association - Phone: 0208-6824001
Down�s Syndrome Educational Trust - Phone: 02392-824261
Dyspraxia Foundation - Phone: 01462-454986
Eating Disorders Association - Phone: 01603-621414
Fibromyalgia Association - Phone: 01384-820052 - Email:
Foundation for Children with Leukaemia - Phone: 0207-4040808
Fragile X Society - Phone: 01424-813147
GLAD - Greater London Assoc. for Disability - Phone: 0207-3465800
Haemophilia Society - Phone: 0800-0186068
Headway - National Head Injuries Assoc. - Phone: 0115-9240800
HEAS - Home Education Advisory Service - Phone: 01707-371854
Huntington�s Disease Association - Phone: 0207-2237000
Hyperactive Children�s Support Group - Phone: 01903-725182
I Can - For Children with speech impairment - Phone: 0870-0104066
In Touch - Puts parents of children with Rare disorders in touch with relevant organisations - Phone: 0161-9052440
Kidsactive - Phone: 0207-7364443
Leukaemia Care Society - Phone: 01905-330003
LOOK - National Federation of Families With Visually Impaired Children - Phone: 0121-4285038
M S Society - Phone: 0208-4380700
ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) - Phone: 01375-642466
Mencap - Mencap's website is easy to negotiate and contains so much helpful useful information and links to other sites. - Phone: 0207-4540454
Mind - Phone: 0208-5192122
Motor Neurone Disease Society - Phone: 08457-626262
Muscular Dystrophy Group - Phone: 0207-7208055