Mary Rose School - School History
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School History

Follow the good ship Mary Rose as we continue to sail forward with all of our achievements! With the wind in our sales and clear skies ahead together we will reach our goals. To see what we have done in the past click on a ship below to read our milestones!


May: Rock Challenge 2012

All of the hard work and hours of practicing paid off at our third year of entering "Rock Challenge". Our theme this year "No Limits Allowed". Both the students and staff did really well winning 2 prizes: Positive Inclusion Entertaining Performance  

April: Granted Teaching School status

Read the full press release here:

OfSted OutStanding 2010-2011

September: Mary Rose School Rewarded Outstanding Status By Ofsted

Mary Rose School

In September Mary Rose was awarded Outstanding by Ofsted inspectors. The full report is available for download here.

June: Sensory Garden Officially Opened

Mary Rose School

Several months after the planting of the garden was completed and all of the plants had established themselves in the garden the Student Council officially opened the garden to the school! Local press and members of the School Governors were all at the event.

May: Rock Challenge -

Mary Rose School

Another year and more hard work and hours of practicing pays off at our third year of entering "Rock Challenge". The theme for the entire competition this year was  "Out of the darkness and into the light". Both the students and staff did really well winning another 3 prizes:   Healthy Lifestyle; Positive Inclusion; Concept Interpretation;

March: Mary Rose Establishes 1st Creative Partnership

Mary Rose School

Mary Rose School established a creative arts partnership with members of the arts and craft community. This partnership has seen students create masterpieces of pottery with potter Neil who has introduced the students and staff to new sensory experiences through clay. Other projects include stop motion animations. The art work from these projects are on display in reception at school and the digital display in the art room.  

February: Innovation and Recognition Award Winners

Mary Rose School

Mary Rose School - Specialist Sports College is extremely proud to of won the "National Sports - Innovation and Recognition Award" for using our specialim to drive learning with targeted sectors of the community.


September: Sensory Garden Planting

Mary Rose School

Weeks of planning and digging completed the entire school and its supporters came to help with the final push of planting the various flowers, grasses and trees that would develop into a completely immersing sensory garden.  

July: Sensory Garden Development

Mary Rose School

During July and August plans were put in place to develope a sensory garden for the students of Mary Rose.

We made our own set!

April: Rock Challenge -

Mary Rose School

All of the hard work and hours of practicing paid off at our second year of entering "Rock Challenge". The theme for the entire competition was "One World, One Vision". Both the students and staff did really well winning 3 prizes:   Most Entertaining Performance Cultural and Educational Performance Concept Interpretation Read More


October: Mary Rose Specialist Sports College Officially Opened

Mary Rose School

In October Ade Adepitan officially opened Mary Rose School - Specialist Sports College.

February: Mary Rose School Successfully Applies For Specialist Sports College

Mary Rose School

After a lot of hard work from all members of the staff and the school leadership team Mary Rose successfully applied for Specialist Sports College.

New Horizon School

September: Mary Rose School Partners with New Horizon Special School in Ghana

Mary Rose School

In 2007 we started to support New Horizon School in Ghana. It is a special school for young people with learning disabilities from the age of 2 to 40 years. New Horizion does't recieve any funding from the government and are entrirely dependant on charitable donation. The children have to pay to attend school and provide themselves with the basic items they need to attend school. For more pictures please visit our "Read More

Students and parents come to the openning

May: Mary Rose Officially Opened

Mary Rose School

Ade Adepitan officially opened Mary Rose School. For more pictures please visit our "Photo Album" section of the site. Read More

February: Building Work Is Completed!

Mary Rose School

Construction work on the new Mary Rose site is completed and pupils and staff move to the new purpose built building.


September: Mary Rose Opens Over Two Sites

Mary Rose School

In September 2006 Mary Rose School opened across two sites while construction of the new building was being completed. With the amalgamation of East Shore School and Futcher School.

Down go the foundations

January: Work Starts On The New School

In 2005 work began on the Mary Rose School. On the right hand side of the screen is a small selection of the pictures that were taken throughout the schools construction. For more pictures please visit our "Photo Album" section of the site. From the drop down menu at the top of the page select "Building Our New School" and take a... Read More