Mary Rose School - Our Vision
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Our Vision

Very few of us ever have the opportunity to create and develop a new school. The Mary Rose team are lucky to have just that opportunity and it has been 'all hands on deck' since we opened in early 2007. Each member of the team has a critical part to play, a chance to 'reinvent' themselves, to move forward and focus on the belief that all things are possible. We are creating a place of learning that is magical for our pupils. If our pupils are enjoying their schooling their minds will open up and they will benefit from all the opportunities on offer.

Our school will enable pupils to:

  • Solve problems and become as independent as possible
  • Experience the joy of discovery
  • Build dreams
  • Be filled with awe and wonder
  • Develop self confidence and self belief
  • Become emotionally intelligent

Open up the presentation and you will see how Mary Rose School puts the pupils at the very core of all that we do. When we make a decision the first question we will ask is: "How will our pupils benefit"? The vision is not just in education speak, also included are some aspirations that I hope will give a sense of the heart and soul of our school a selection of these are in the presentation. I have asked 3 questions:

  • What will you see in Mary Rose School?
  • What will you hear said about it?
  • How will it feel?

Alison Beane - Headteacher