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School Sport

Mary Rose School is committed to ensuring that all pupils receive high quality PE and Sport. PE and Sport is at the centre of our school vision and strategic plan. Within the whole school curriculum we are using PE and Sport as a vehicle to develop and improve learning opportunities for everyone with a strong focus on health and well-being.

We believe that being a specialist school will help us to raise attainment for all pupils across the whole curriculum and strengthen and develop the quality of teaching and learning across the school.

Why is PE and Sport so important for Mary Rose?

  • Physical exercise is crucial to promote the health and well-being of our pupils
  • Physical development is a key objective on many of our pupils’ statements of special educational need
  • Our creative curriculum enhances and strengthens our multi agency approach to learning, involving and extending the use of therapists, coaches etc..
  • We have a wealth of expertise within the school which benefits our school and all our partners beyond the school. It enables us to reach out to others within the local community
  • PE and Sport is a great motivator and helps develop self confidence and self esteem and it’s fun

 So what’s it all about?


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