Mary Rose School - Sport Stuff - Special Events
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Special Events

At Mary Rose School we try to involve our students in as many extra opportunities outside the formal curriculum as possible. This does include a number of sporting events.

Rock Challenge – This is a National dance competition that Mary Rose school is entering for the first time this year. We have 35 pupils from Key Stage 4 involved and pupils have had input into picking the theme, music and costumes. We also have to arrange our own soundtrack, design and build our own sets and organise lighting. Our theme is ‘save the world’ which is all about the things we are doing to destroy our world and how we can make things better. We perform on Wednesday 25th April at the Guildhall in Portsmouth in front of an audience of 1500!

Special Olympics – This is a yearly event which takes place on a Saturday at the Mountbatten Centre in Portsmouth. This year we entered a team of 12 pupils from both the senior and primary departments. Our pupils took part in a number of events such as Shot Putt,

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