Mary Rose School - Sport Stuff - Sports Curriculum
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Sports Curriculum

At Mary Rose School all pupils follow the National Curriculum in PE. In Key stages 1 & 2 pupils study Games, Gymnastics, Dance and Swimming. Whilst in Key Stages 3 & 4 pupils have the additional opportunity to study Outdoor and Adventurous activities and Athletics. Lessons are planned using comprehensive schemes of work and every lesson includes a warm-up and cool down. The importance of fitness is emphasised throughout every lesson and pupils take part in a number of fitness based activities.

As part of the School Sport Partnership we have visiting sports coaches in a number of different activities. This year we have had coaches in Cricket and Football taking sessions and also have had a number of Basketball players from a wheelchair Basketball team visit to take Basketball sessions.

Health And Wellbeing

Health is high on the Governments agenda at the moment. At Mary Rose school we are eager to help our pupils and their families to be as fit and healthy as possible. This is why we are applying for a Healthy School award. The award application process means that we have to look at our healthy eating policy, exercise levels and PE provision, PSHE curriculum and how we look after our pupil and staff well being.

We have introduced a morning exercise programme to all classes. For ten minutes in the morning each class carries out a short exercise session based around a number of themes. Some exercises are designed to be relaxing and engage the mind, ready for a days learning. Other exercises are designed to improve strength, flexibility, co-ordination and stamina.

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