July 2008
6th Form Review Of the Year (6th Form)
Friday, July 25th 2008
This year has been really busy for both students and staff in the 6th Form. All our students have achieved OCR and ASDAN accreditations in a range of subjects and, in total, the group have collected over 300 certificates for their work.
Our students have taken part in a wide range of activities, of which there are far too many to mention them all, but they include:
Work placements at McDonalds and a local hairdressers.
Work related learning activities in school such as emptying recycling bins,...
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An amazing year for the Secondary Department
Friday, July 25th 2008
Well what an amazing year it has been!
Mary Rose has celebrated its first birthday and we celebrated in style with a cake and a disco, which all the students enjoyed.
Throughout the year we have done many exciting things including supporting a variety of charities such as Sports Relief. We walked our mile together, some classes even dressed up along with the staff!
Key Stage 3 has also been involved in the Modern Foreign Languages days that occur for 2 days every term. Students became musical...
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Out and About with our primary pupils
Friday, July 25th 2008
This has been another busy year for all our pupils. We have joined in with whole school activities and had some of our own. So where have we been?
During the year all of the children visited Staunton Park. They enjoyed finding out about the animals and feeding and touching them. Shark class represented school at Paultons Park as part of Kids Out Day. The rides were a great hit. The fish in Blue Reef didn’t know what was going on when little faces belonging to Octopus and Turtles classes...
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Pupil Oscars
Friday, July 25th 2008
We are delighted to that 5 of our pupils were nominated for Pupil Oscars this year and received certificates at the celebration evening at the Guildhall in Portsmouth. They were:
Billy King: for very good attendance
Charlie Stevens: for a pupil who has worked hard to overcome difficulty
Graham Culpin: for his contribution to the community
Jade Smith: for her contribution to the life of the school
Zara Willis: for curriculum achievement
It was a superb evening, all...
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Our first Mary Rose School Mini bus
Monday, July 21st 2008
Thank you very, very much to The Lord’s Taverners for our first Mary Rose School mini bus. It was presented to us on Sunday July 20th at the Hursley Cricket Ground by Chris Tarrant and Lawrie McMenemy. Pupils and staff were there to receive this fantastic bus that we are truly delighted with. It now has pride of place back at school, waiting for everyone to come back after the summer break to take it for it’s first official ride.
Celebration Prom 2008
Friday, July 18th 2008
On Thursday July 17th, Mary Rose School hosted our very own Student Prom. Students arrived in a wide range of vehicles including a stretch limo and a sports car. Everyone was dressed in their very best—dinner jackets and ball gowns with the occasional tiara and plenty of beaming smiles. They really did look stunning.
We started with a cocktail reception and then moved into the grand hall for a sumptuous formal dinner.
All our students who are moving onto the 6th form and all those who are...
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Sports Day
Tuesday, July 15th 2008
Once again we were lucky with the weather. The whole school walked along to St James’s cricket ground and took part in a wide range of activities all geared to meet the different abilities of our pupils. The pupils were grouped vertically by age and assigned to one of 4 ‘houses’. Competition was fierce and there was much light hearted rivalry between the members of each ‘house’. In the morning all the pupils took part in activities that included, skittles, target ball,...
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Summer Performance
Thursday, July 10th 2008
An apt title for this year’s whole school summer performance. Our performance this year was produced as part of our Activities Week which focused on fitness and good health. Each group or class developed their own piece and then these were ‘joined’ up to become a stunning, exciting and top quality show.
Our primary department focused on their own particular talents – Turtles felt the need to run to their music, Sharks created a fitness circuit to music, Octopus got into Rock...
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Bear Day
Tuesday, July 1st 2008
Children in the primary department brought their teddies to school as part of a sponsored event for medical Action Aid. They iced cakes to make bear faces, had a sensory story - “Going on a Bear Hunt” and had to find a very special Paddington Bear.
The sensory story was fun. We had to have bare feet to cross the grass, walk through mud, ponds and a snow (flour) storm. Some of our young people walked and others placed their feet in trays with mud and water. There were lots of...
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June 2008
Family & Friends Barbecue
Saturday, June 28th 2008
THE SUN SHONE AND WE HAD A GREAT TIME...our first family and friends barbecue organised by The Friends of Mary Rose
Over 140 family, friends and staff joined together for our barbecue on Saturday June 28th. The setting was lovely with tables arranged in the play areas, bicycles on the MUGA and a range of games spread around our other outdoor spaces. Numbers of people commented on how good the grounds were looking.
The Marriott Hotel provided and cooked the barbecue—high quality, beautifully...
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Walk The World
Wednesday, June 25th 2008
On Tuesday June 24th Mary Rose School pupils and staff “Walked the World” with support and sponsorship from The Hilton Hotel. Staff from the Hilton joined us for assembly in the morning, and gave us all pedometers to wear for the day. Every step we took was counted! Needless to say we made sure we walked as far as we could that day. One class even went for a walk round Portchester Castle! The Hilton Hotel matched any sponsorship money we had raised and the total raised for school by the...
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Parallel Games
Friday, June 20th 2008
On Friday four teams (2 Boccia and 2 New Age Kurling) went to Aldershot to take part in the Parallel Games.
One of our Boccia teams just missed out on victory, coming second, and our other Boccia team won the play-off match to be placed third. Unfortunately, we didn't fare quite so well in the New Age Kurling part of the tournament.
We all supported each other and we very Sporting. In fact William even won the fair play award.
During the day we all got to chat to the Mayor of Portsmouth as he was...
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UKSA (United Kingdom Sailing Academy) - The Ultimate Sailing Experience!
Monday, June 16th 2008
Between the 12-16th of May a group of students went to the UK Sailing Academy based on the Isle Of Wight (Cowes) to experience first hand a range of water sport activities including power boating, windsurfing, & dingy sailing we also had activities to participate in during the evening, these included:
Boccia v.s The UKSA Staff (WE LOST!)
And everybody’s favourite A DISCO! (on the final night)
We also had on site accommodation and a choice of food (breakfast, lunch...
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The Calvert Trust Residential
Friday, June 13th 2008
Thirteen pupils, ten staff and three minibuses left school on Friday 6th June for the Calvert Trust, Barnstaple, North Devon. It was a beautiful sunny day and this was to be the beginning of a beautiful sunny week!
The accommodation and facilities at Calvert were fantastic and we were very well looked after for the entire week – nothing was too much trouble!
Every day the pupils (and staff!) took part in two activities – one in the morning and one in the afternoon –...
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Discovery Taster Session � Sports Week
Thursday, June 12th 2008
Discovery spent the morning at Mountbatten Centre alongside 5 other schools in the Portsmouth area. Pupils had a go at a variety of different sports including Judo, Cricket, Hockey and boxing. Pupils then had a choice of break dancing or street dance.
Henry was the star of the hockey session being told he looked like he’d played for years! Regan, Josh and Joe didn’t drop the ball in the cricket session and all seemed to improve their aim to win at knocking the stumps down!
The judo...
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FA Cup Final
Thursday, June 12th 2008
We were lucky enough to be donated two tickets for the FA Cup Final on May 17th for one of our pupils and carer. Thomas, accompanied by Peter (our business manager) went up to see Portsmouth win the trophy.
Here's what Thomas had to say about the day:
I went to Wembley to see Portsmouth play football in the FA Cup Final.
I went with the school business manager, Peter.
Portsmouth won, 1-0, beating Cardiff City.
I had fish and chips and got a Club Wembley hat and a flag.
I had...
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SLD Athletics competition
Wednesday, June 11th 2008
6 pupils, 3 staff, 12 events and all over just 2 hours! We were first to arrive at the Mountbatten Centre on what seemed to be a sunny day. The grass was being cut and the equipment set out when the clouds started to roll overhead. Pupils sat waiting for the events to start, enjoy the short burst of sunshine that arrived.
The first up was Cade Baker in the first race of the day, followed in very quick succession by Josh Rollason and Leah-Marie. Pupils cheered each other on and watched other...
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Life in Octopus class since Easter (Octopus)
Monday, June 9th 2008
We have been working hard and have been investigating water...
We learned that water helps you to keep clean, and your clothes, and the car!
You can drink it and make lots of mess with it.
We also swim in it.
We went to Southsea and saw the sea and lots of fish in Blue Reef Aquarium.
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People Who Help Us (Sharks)
Tuesday, June 3rd 2008
Shark Class have been learning about people who help us in PSHE. We have named and matched pictures of people who help us and dressed up in different hats and costumes. We have had great fun and now know who to ask for and what to do if we ever need help.
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Mary Rose School helps Portsmouth Table Tennis Club to promote Table Tennis and Poly Bat!
Tuesday, June 3rd 2008
4 pupils from Mary Rose School were given the opportunity to support Portsmouth Table Tennis Club in the promotion of Table Tennis and Poly Bat on Thursday 22nd May, which was being shown live on Meridian Television.
Zara Willis, Michael Powell, Regan Laing and William Palmer with the support of Vicky Catt, Tracey Clarke, Sue Newbiggin and Julie Rutt, were given the chance to develop their skills in Poly bat, learn to officiate as well as play both single and doubles...
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May 2008
The Enterprise Game
Thursday, May 1st 2008
Tom, Regan, Jade and Zara went to the Rose Bowl with Annie and Simon to play a new game called 'The Enterprise Game'.
The idea of the game is to make as much money as you can by running a business. It is a bit like Monopoly.
We played against some adults from local businesses.
Tom and Regan very nearly won. The made over a million pounds for their business but lost out by just £10,000!
After we had finished playing we had lunch, including big pieces of chocolate cake.
At the end of the day we...
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Faith in Football: Meal Deal
Thursday, May 1st 2008
During last term some of the 6th Form students have been involved in a Faith in Football Business Enterprise. The charity funds projects for young people in this country and abroad.
A lot of secondary schools in the area take part during a three month period to plan, organise and develop a business. They budget and shop for the goods, and keep detailed minutes of meetings and accounts which are audited by independent judges.
The group from Mary Rose 6th Form voted to start a business called...
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April 2008
Little Canada Residential
Tuesday, April 29th 2008
Twelve students and eight staff set off for Little Canada on the Isle of Wright for a week in March. We stayed in log cabins by the sea and took part in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities including Quad biking, Archery, Climbing, Assault courses, the Giant Swing and Aeroball. We also took part in a number of inside activities such as Trampolining, Circus Skills, the Matrix and ICT.
Highlights of the week include Chris H climbing to the top of the climbing tower, Zara W loosing a shoe in...
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Rock Challenge
Friday, April 25th 2008
This year we took a group of 46 students to Portsmouth Guildhall for the second Mary Rose performance in Rock Challenge.
The students and staff started planning in the Autumn term and decided to focus this year on sporting theme. This became even more relevant in 2008 when we were awarded Sports College status.
Rehearsals started in January during Options sessions and each group explored different aspects of their sport when they were not involved in practising their dance.
Great fun was had...
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Shark Cafe (Sharks)
Tuesday, April 1st 2008
On March 19th shark class opened sharks cafe, we made posters, put out tableclothes and had flowers on our tables.
We made and brought some delicious food and invited Turtle class to come.
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Staunton Park (Sharks)
Tuesday, April 1st 2008 - Sharks
As part of our topic work, penguin and shark class went to stauton park, to see, feed and smell the animals!
We saw cows, pigs, and a peacock to name a few.
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March 2008
Work Experience 2 (Spinnaker 12)
Tuesday, March 25th 2008 - Spinnaker
We've all been on work experience in the last few weeks.
This is about where we went and how we got on.
I worked at Shaw Trust Horticulture.
It was good. I had a great time.
I worked with Chris in the nursery. I put sand in some bags and then put it in the wheel barrow.
I did some plants - put them in bigger pots so they were ready to sell.
I worked at Nigel Sands Car Sales.
It was really really really good.
I cleaned the cars and even sold one of them!
I made 3 cups...
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Sports Relief (Penguins)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Penguins
Penguin class went swimming on sports relief day.
We did 10 laps around the pool!
We really enjoyed being in the pool all together.
Some of us swam around the pool on our own.
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Sports Relief (Discovery)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Discovery
On Friday we raised money for Sports Relief. In Discovery class we dressed as Athletes. We wore numbers on our fronts and flags on our backs. We had to do five laps around the school. Some of our Mum’s and Dad’s, Grandparent’s and friends came to help – thank you.
We started at 10:15 am and finished at 11:00am. We all had a drink of water afterwards. We hoped we raised lots of money for Sports Relief, we’ve collected some already.
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Let's Get Physical! (Britannia)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Britannia
Britannia class had an 80’s fitness theme for the Sport Relief mile. We donned our legwarmers and funky headbands and strutted our stuff along the way to Olivia Newton-John’s “Let’s get Physical”. The whole class thoroughly enjoyed themselves and raised lots of money for a good cause.
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Starfish Track Team (Starfish)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008
The 4 strong nursery track team successfully completed their five laps around the school, laughing and waving on their way.
They were so exhausted afterwards that they all slept for the afternoon except Callum who was up for another 5 laps.
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Octopus Tartan Army (Octopus)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Octopus
Octopus class represented the Highland games as their tribute to sport.
Only the best weightlifters can toss the caber and they come from all over the world not just Scotland.
We all wore the tartan and had saltires painted on out faces.
Dennis where’s yer troosers?
Can you spot the tourie bunnets?
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Mayflower Class made a cake the sensory way (Mayflower)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Mayflower
First they felt the butter (photo 1)
Then they added the sugar and mixed it together (photo 2)
The flour made an awful mess (photo 3)
The cake was nice when it was cooked (photo 4)
The icing to go on the top was very sticky (photo 5)
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Sports Relief (Mayflower)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Mayflower
Mayflower Class were footballers when they took part in sports relief.
They wanted to score as many goals as possible so they took their goal posts with them.
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Sports Relief (Wimbledon)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Wimbledon
The pupils in Wimbledon Class really enjoyed taking part in the Sport Relief mile.
We dressed up as rugby players, complete with muddy faces! Holly and Bettina really enjoyed seeing all their friends as we passed them at different parts of the circuit and Josh enjoyed the different styles of music along the way.
Jenny was very proud of herself when we reached the end of lap 5. Jo is now hoping that Wales do as well at the Millenium Stadium on Saturday, well you never know!
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Sports Relief (Sharks)
Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - Sharks
Shark Class dressed up as footballers for the sponsored walk.
We all managed to complete the 5 laps of the school and had great fun! We enjoyed dressing up.
Our teacher, Natalie, wore a red and white shirt which we thought was Southampton, but she said that it was for Brentford.
Billy loved running around the hall, we think he did 2 miles the amount of running he did!
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Sport Relief � Mary Rose School walks the mile!
Sunday, March 16th 2008
In spite of the damp and drizzle and in true Mary Rose spirit, the whole school walked their mile for Sports relief. Each class dressed in a different sporting theme ranging from swimming to hockey to keep fit … Penguin class even ‘walked’ their mile in the hydrotherapy pool!
The route was mostly indoors due to the unpredictable nature of the weather. One of the benefits of having a long main school corridor was that we could quite easily walk a mile – it only took...
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The Easter Bunny arrives on his bike!
Sunday, March 9th 2008
At least 128 motorbikes braved the damp and windy weather and joined the Mary Rose Charity ride on Saturday March 8th. As always they arrived in style and were met by pupils and staff from school and served with hot cross buns and a hot drink. The riders all brought Easter eggs for our pupils and in addition raised at least £360 for our school.
This year our very own pupil, Sean Vick, joined the ride with his Dad. This is the first time one of our pupils has taken part in the...
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Latest Update (6th Form)
Wednesday, March 5th 2008
This year there are 21 students in the 6th form and we have all been very busy. We would like to tell you about some of the things we have been doing.
Work experience at -
McDonalds - Lauren and Guy have done lots of jobs including wiping the tables, and refilling the straws and milks
Local hairdressers - Chanelle has washed and dried hair, used rollers and practised varnishing finger nails !
Within school where students have emptied the paper recycling bins and helped to keep the...
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Our Visit to the Shops (Britannia)
Tuesday, March 4th 2008 - Brittania Class
Here are some pictures from when we visited the shops...
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Fun work � Cooking with the marines!! (Victory)
Tuesday, March 4th 2008 - Victory Class
On Tuesday we had fun cooking with the marines. A marine called Mike and a Naval Officer called Caroline came to the school to cook Pasta Bolognese with Victory class.
They turned up late and it was cold outside where we were waiting for them to arrive. Once they were here we chopped up the onions, pulled apart the mushrooms, cut and tasted the tomatoes and the peppers. We chucked everything together with a bit of dead cow and some magic sauce, stirred it all together to make Pasta...
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Medieval Day (Discovery)
Monday, March 3rd 2008 - Discovery Class
On Tuesday 12th February two knights came from the Lion Rampant re-enactment group to teach us about warfare in medieval times.
Sir Adam de Gurdon and Sir Thomas Artillier displayed their armour and weaponry and let us wear their breastplates, try on their helmets and wield their swords. One of the knights had made his own armour, it took him 40 hours!
Next they put on some music and fought each other in full battle dress. Hard work as William says the armour was really...
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Liquids and Solids (Wimbledon)
Monday, March 3rd 2008 - Wimbledon Class
In Science we have been investigating different liquids and solids. We made bath bombes for Mother's Day.
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February 2008
Work Experience (Spinnaker 12)
Friday, February 29th 2008 - Spinnaker Class
Next week and the week after we are going on our Trident work experience...
This is where we are going and what we are looking forward to:
Job: WH Smith
I'm looking forward to checking prices in the stock room and putting stock out in different departments.
Job: Wilkinson
I'm looking forward to meeting new people.
Job: Zavvi
I'm loking forward to meeting new people.
Job: St. James Hospital Nursery
I'm looking forward to working...
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Krazy Kaves (Sharks)
Monday, February 11th 2008
Shark class and Turtle class went to Krazy Kaves for our end of term trip.
We enjoyed going on the minibus especially when Chris went over the big speed bumps!
We went on the slides, in the ball pool and had a drink.
We had great fun and enjoyed our class visit to Krazy Kaves.
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Specialist Sports College Success!
Friday, February 8th 2008
GREAT NEWS! We have been successful in our application to become a Specialist Sports College! Fantastic!
Below is an excerpt from the Press Release:
“Portsmouth’s newest school Mary Rose School has been successful in its application to become a Specialist Sports College. The status means that excellence in PE and Sport at the school will now be developed further and used to improve standards in all subjects especially English and Maths.
Headteacher Alison Beane: “We...
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Mary Rose School Attend Specialist Sports College Conference 2008
Thursday, February 7th 2008
It was very fitting that Mary Rose School should attend the Specialist Sports College Conference this year, with the announcement that we had achieved Sports College status. Mary Rose School was 1 of 10 schools achieving status and 1 of 3 special schools that had applied. We have now become part of a big family, in fact a family of 448 schools across the country.
The Sports College Conference followed the theme of ‘different perspectives – different possibilities’ this...
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January 2008
Tudor Day
Wednesday, January 30th 2008 - Discovery Class
On Tuesday 15th January a group from the Mary Rose Trust came to our school. With the staff they dressed up in old fashioned clothes.
We played old Tudor games such as ‘Nine Men’s Morris’. Regan thought that was fun as well as bowls with Sir Francis Drake, ‘especially when we saw the Spanish Armada coming!’
Before lunch we cooked a Tudor banquet. Nathan and Josh both agreed they enjoyed this the most, Josh ‘cooked some kind of...
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