May 2006
Mary Rose Meets Mary Rose
Monday, May 22nd 2006
The new Mary Rose School staff team came together for the third time, in the impressive surroundings of The Historic Dockyard. When the name for our school was chosen we had no idea the extent to which partnerships with The Mary Rose Trust would develop and just how quickly. It was a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed by us all.The morning was spent in the Naval Museum when staff shared information about their new classes and developed the first stage of their pupil profiles ready for when the move...
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Extract from the Parents Newsletter, May 2006
Thursday, May 11th 2006
By now you will have heard that we are not going to be in our new building for September
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April 2006
Pupil Voice
Sunday, April 30th 2006
The future pupils of Mary Rose School are having an increasing input into the decisions being made about their new school.The pupils have been involved in choosing the school logo and colours, they have all had the opportunity to vote on their school uniform and numbers of classes have been emailing suggestions and ideas via the website.I have been invited into a number of lessons in both schools where we have discussed a range of topics including after school activities, lunchtimes, school visits and...
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The Story behind the Mary Rose School Logo
Sunday, April 30th 2006
We decided way back in September that we would like our school logo to represent the interests and ideas of pupils and staff. That we would focus on things that we valued about our school and the community and also our ideas about what we wanted for the future.On our joint logo workshop day we started from the things we like about school and about Portsmouth. You may remember that Pompey featured strongly. Our designer, Helen came up with 4 ideas following that day and then the fun...
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Partnership with Mary Rose Trust
Friday, April 28th 2006
The Mary Rose Trust, custodians of Henry VIII’s favourite warship Mary Rose and her world famous collection of Tudor artefacts, is celebrating an award from the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) which will allow them to open up their unique collection for visitors with learning difficulties and other special needs. The grant will allow the collection to be shared with new audiences, currently unable to access the museum and ship hall in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard easily:
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Progress update on the Memory Wall hanging
Friday, April 7th 2006
Futcher School has received the first memory square from 12year old Callum Hurst, shown in the photograph. Many people are promising to do theirs over the holiday period. Hopefully we will have them all back by the middle of May ready to be joined together by our professional quilters.East Shore pupils and staff spent a day together designing and making their memory squares. A selection is here for you to view. Parents and friends are also producing squares at home. This promises to be a wonderful piece...
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March 2006
Juggling our way to the top!
Monday, March 20th 2006
Staff at Mary Rose School have found a creative way of making sure that everyone stays wide awake after lunch on staff development days….. Led by Vicky Catt, our PE teacher we all tried our hand at juggling in order to further develop our staff team and to think about the ways that physical exercise can promote learning We learned that...Juggling developed our skills of perseverance - When you juggle, you inevitably drop. We all got past these drops by persevering with the tricks we were working on...
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We�ve got rhythm
Monday, March 20th 2006
On March 20th all the staff of Mary Rose School met together for the second time. The focus for the day was �Team-building and Learning and Teaching�.
We invited Gary Newland, the founder of Music Worldwide, to introduce us to African Drumming. Drumming bridges that gap between work and play and helps a group to develop team spirit. We had a really good time and produced a superb piece of music. By the end of the session our self-confidence had grown and were extremely proud of all we had achieved...
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February 2006
Governors visit to Mary Rose School
Tuesday, February 28th 2006
The governors were given a grand tour of Mary Rose on Tuesday, February 28th. This was the first time that they had seen the building properly since the basic shell had been completed. It was quite an awesome sight and one parent became quite emotional. She was so delighted to see the dreams for a state of the art school coming true at long last.The daring members of the group climbed ladders onto the roof and enjoyed the views over Portsmouth, others thoroughly explored all the classroom areas and the...
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Pupils Visit New School
Saturday, February 25th 2006
Classes from East Shore School have made a number of visits to the Mary Rose School to watch the progress. Recently Class 2 had a tour around the school from the site manger. We were lucky to visit on the day the roof was put on and enjoyed watching the crane lift all the materials. Class 2 were fascinated by all the hand signals the work men used and learnt what they meant from Danny, the site manger. We can now signal stop, up, and down like a professional! We hope to visit our new classroom soon...
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January 2006
The Mary Rose Logo Design Day
Wednesday, January 25th 2006
On Wednesday January 25th a group of pupils and staff from East Shore and Futcher schools with myself, a graphic designer, Helen, from The Design House and a group of students and their art teacher Davina, from King Richard School.
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Mary Rose School - Making History
Monday, January 23rd 2006
The first Staff Professional Development day for the newly formed Mary Rose School team was held on Monday January 23rd at the Dame Judith Professional Development Centre.The main focus of the day was to provide a range of opportunities for the staff to get to know each other and develop a common understanding and purpose. We played all kinds of team games and everyone joined in with gusto! Staff also celebrated some of the elements of their current schools that they especially value and shared these...
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Our Governors at Number Ten!
Thursday, January 19th 2006
We are pleased to say that our chairman of governors, Mark Mitchell, recently attended a daytime reception held at Number 10 by Tony Blair. We were also lucky enough to have Mark featured on the Prime Minister's web page
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Representing Old and New!
Monday, January 9th 2006
My first meeting with members of The Mary Rose team made me realise just how fortunate we are to be linked with such an amazing piece of history. The Mary Rose is a unique example of a 16th century warship and the story she tells of life and action in Tudor times is truly spellbinding.
I was given a tour of the museum and as we walked and talked we started to consider ways that The Mary Rose museum/collection could be made more accessible to people with learning difficulties, including those with...
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November 2005
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Membership
Monday, November 14th 2005
Mary Rose School has been accepted as a member of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust. Over the coming weeks staff and governors will be deciding on which of the routes we will be taking in our aim to become a specialist school. You can learn more about these organisations via these websites...
Monday, November 14th 2005
Capturing the Memories: Staff and friends of East Shore and Futcher Schools are working together to create a memory quilt that will be hung in Mary Rose School. If you would like your special 'memory' to be recorded in our quilt click on Read More
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September 2005
New special school to be named after The Mary Rose
Friday, September 23rd 2005
News feature from the Portsmouth City Council website
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